

The basic rules of Muay Thai: the official combat is no more than 5 rounds, each assault of 3 minutes, 1.30 minutes of rest in between. Additional rounds are not allowed.
In amateur will be 4 rounds of 2 minutes with 1 minute rest.
The categories of WTBF, Class (A) professional will fight for 5 rounds of 3 minutes each class (B) neoprofesional be fought 4 rounds of 2 minutes, Class (C) 3 rounds of 2 minutes.
The fighters wear gloves from 8 to 10 oz. Gloves should not be squeezed, kneaded or crushed to change its original shape.
The amateur competitors must wear protective elbow and trunk (red or blue according to their corners) appropriately adjusted to their bodies. They should also genital protectors to protect your groin, and finally, rubber mouthpiece. The wrestlers should not wear shirts or shoes, but ankle is allowed.
A sacred cord known as Mongkol be placed on the head of the wrestler during the pre-fight (ritual homage to ancestral teachers of Muay Thai) to be removed before the beginning of the struggle.
The Prajeat is personal and is not required in combat.


Full details of the rules of Thai Boxing are listed below:
0. Muay Thai Rules 1. The Ring
. Muay Thai Rules 2. Ring Accessories
. Muay Thai Rules 3. Gloves
0. Muay Thai Rules 4. Bandages
. Muay Thai Rules 5. Dress code
. Muay Thai Rules 6. Classification Pesos
. Muay Thai Rules 7. Wuai kru
. Muay Thai Rules 8. Wrestler m.
0. Muay Thai Rules 9. Coaches
. Muay Thai Rules 10. Committee
. Muay Thai Rules 11. The referee
. Muay Thai Rules 12. Judges
. Muay Thai Rules 13. The decisions of the authorities
. Muay Thai Rules 14. Functions of President
0. Muay Thai Rules 15. Conometrador and broadcaster
. Muay Thai Rules 16. The decision
. Muay Thai Rules 17. Score practices
. Muay Thai Rules 18. Fouls and penalties for violating the rules
. Muay Thai Rules 19. Overthrowing
. Muay Thai Rules 20. Doctor and certifications
. Muay Thai Rules 21. Medical Inspection
. Muay Thai Rules 22. Procedure After a knockout or technical knockout
. Muay Thai Rules 23. Drug use
0. Muay Thai Rules 24. Interpretation


Muay Thai Rules 1: The Ring
. 1.1 The platform of the ring. ring platform means the area in square poles, elevated at least 90 centimeters (three feet) and no more than 122 centimeters (4 feet) above the ground. The platform of the ring has two sizes.
. 1.1.1 Small size 5.50 x 5.50
. 1.1.2 Large size 6.00 x 6.00
. 1.2 The ring of struggle. control ring means a square area inside the ropes.
. In international competitions must use the large size of ring. This allowed to use two ring if there are many competitors, as using a single ring could cause problems in organizing the competition.
. 1.3 The floor of the ring. The ring floor shall be solidly constructed without obstruction, and length of 90 centimeters (3 feet) off the ropes on each side.
. 1.4 The corners of the ring. The four corners should have a post each, neatly covered with foam or in any manner that will not cause a risk to competitors. The corners of the ring will be prepared as follows: the red corner is on the left close to the president of the Judges, the blue corner is opposite the red corner. The other two are white corners


1.5 The soil base of the ring. The floor of the ring shall be installed in felt, rubber or other flexible materials, at least 2.50 centimeters (1 inch) but not more than 5 centimeters (2 inches) thick, covered with canvas tightly tense.
. 1.6 strings. There will be four strings, at least 3 centimeters but not more than 5 inches thick, tightly stretched to the four corner posts of the ring. Be located at 40, 80, 120 and 150 centimeters above the ground the strings ring.Las each side of the ring will tightly clasped by 2 pieces of strong cloth, of equal extent, so that the spacing of the strings would not vary during combat.
. 1.7 Ladders. There will be three ladders in the ring: two ladders from each corner, red and blue, arranged for competitors and their seconds. A third ladder will be ready in a neutral corner close to the timekeeper for use by the Referee and the Doctor.
. Plastic 1.8. Neutral in every corner of the ring will set off a plastic container to be used by the Referee and a cotton and tissue paper to absorb the blood.

Muay Thai Rules 2: Accessories of the ring
In the front row following equipment is required.
. 1. Two bottles of drinking water and two bottles of spray.No allowed any other type of bottle.
. 2. Two towels.
. 3. Two bowls of water.
. 4. Tables and chairs for officials.
. 5. Alarm.
0. 6. One or two timers or clocks.
. 7. Sheets for the fighting.
. 8. Two pairs of boxing gloves spare.
. 9. A set of shorts Thai one red and one blue.
. 10. Groin protector.
. 11. Camilla


Muay Thai Rules 3: Gloves
. Gloves are permitted only certified WTBF in any battle.
. Boxing Gloves requirements:
Use gloves must meet the following weight divisions:

Weight Division
Weight glove
Mini Fly - Junior Featherweight
6 oz (132 grams)
Pen - Welterweight
8 oz (227 grams)
Average weight and rising junior
10 oz (284 grams)
The weight of the skin of the glove will be no more than half the total weight of the glove, including the interior filling, which should always be in good condition. The laces must be tied in the back of the wrist.
. To ensure compliance with the regulations, all gloves will be inspected by an arbitration committee member before the fight.

Muay Thai Rules 4: Bandages
It allows only one type of soft material, size (5 cm x 6 meters). Type plastic or plaster is strictly prohibited. The use of tape, size of 2.50 cm. x 2.50 meters only allowed to cover the back of the wrist and should not be used to cover the knuckles


Muay Thai Rules 5: Dress Code
A. The clothing of the wrestlers
. Only be used Thai shorts, the color of which depends on the corner: red, pink, brown, or with a band of the red corner, blue or black and blue corner. The gown will be specified by the World Muay Thai Council.
. To ensure the safety of the fighter, you need a groin guard and should be used only linked to the back.
. Long hair and / or beards are prohibited. A small mustache is permitted, but the hair must not extend above the lip. . The Mongkol should be used for the implementation of the Wai Kru (paying respect to his teacher), before starting the battle. Amulets can be used only in the arm or waist to be covered by material to avoid damage.
. Can only be used elastic bandages on his arm or legs to prevent spralns, but the insertion of a shin guard, etc, is not allowed.
. Are not permitted metallized.
. The use of vaseline, fat or any similar substance by the fighter to gain an unfair advantage is not allowed.
. The fighter can use elastic ankle bandages to protect your feet.
B. Any infraction of the rules on clothing may result in disqualification of the fighter. In the case of any problem with boxing gloves, the referee may temporarily stop the fight until it is corrected.


Muay Thai Rules 6: Classification of Weight
A. Weight Divisions


Senior (+18 years)
- 51 Kg
-54 Kg
- 57 Kg
- 60 Kg
- 63.5 kg
- 67 Kg
- 71 Kg
- 75 Kg
- 81 Kg
- 86 Kg
- 91 Kg
+ 91 Kg


Senior (+18 years)
- 48 Kg
-52 Kg
- 56 Kg
- 60 Kg
- 65 Kg
- 70 Kg
+ 70 Kg

B. "The Weighing
. The wrestler will be weighed without clothes, as much 3 hours before the fight.
. If the wrestler gives more weight at the weigh-in, you can re-weighed 1 hours later.
. Before weighing, all fighters should be tested and certified by a licensed physician.

Muay Thai Rules 7: Wai Kru and Round Definition
. Before the start of the first assault, both fighters shall perform the Wai Kru (respect to teacher pay), accompanied by traditional Thai music, incorporating the Ching (cymbal), Klong Khaek (tom-tom) and Pee Java (tube Thailand cane).
. The Muay Thai fighter consist of five rounds, 3 minutes for assault with 1.30 minutes of rest between each assault. Any stoppage during the match for any reason, do not count towards the 3-minute assault.

Muay Thai Rules 8: Wrestlers M.
Eligibility Fighters
. Not to present a physical disability and have over 15 years of age.
. Minimum weight: L00 pounds (45.36 kg).
. It is classified as a prohibited person as described in the medical manual of the World Muay Thai Council.

Muay Thai Rules 9: Coaches
Two coaches are allowed to attend the fighter for the following stipulations:
. During the match, coaches are not allowed to advise, assist or instruct his fighter. Any violation of rules by the coach or wrestler may result in disqualification.
. 2. During the match, the coach must stay in the designated area. Before the start of each assault will remove all towels, water bottles, etc. ring area.
. 3. During the interval, the coach will ensure that your competitor is well dressed. In case of any problem must immediately inform the referee.

Muay Thai Rules 10: Committee
A. Member of the Qualifications Committee.
. Not to present a physical disability and be at least 25 years of age.
. Keep a medical certificate approved by the WTBF.
. Maintain proper certification as to their work experience, health, age.
. To be certified by the W.T.B.F. as properly qualified.

B. The qualifications of the arbitrators
. All referees must be trained and tested by the WTBF and be certified and registered as referees.
. Not to be over 60 years of age unless an extension is approved by the commission.
. Should resign immediately if unable to perform his duties by order of the Committee.

C. Number of Judges and Referees
The party committee will be composed of 3 judges and a referee to the ring and the president responsible for overseeing the battle.

Muay Thai Rules 11: The referee

A. Duty.
The first duty of the referee is to ensure the safety of the fighters to the maximum extent.

B. The responsibilities of the referee.
The referee's uniform consists of black trousers and white shirt, bearing the logo of WTBF and flat canvas shoes. Glasses or jewelry are not allowed.
The referee shall ensure the following standards:
. Fair application of rules and regulations to all parties.
. Referees must be expressed correctly and educated both fighters as the audience.
. Close supervision of combat.
. Protection of minors in combat.
. Inspection of official protection and gloves.
. Ensure that the wrestlers shake hands before the first and final assault.
. For a championship or defend a title, the referee must inform the wrestlers and their coaches of the rules and regulations governing the fight and this must be done in the dressing room before the bout begins.
. Three verbal orders are recognized:
. "STOP" to order the fighters to stop fighting.
. "BREAK" by ordering them to separate the fighters.
. "FIGHT" when ordering the fighters to continue the fight.
When the fighters are ordered "Break", both must take a step back before continuing the fight.
. The arbitrator will make the correct signal to ensure that the wrestler including any rule or breach.
. In the final assault, the score will be collected from each of the three judges, giving the winner for the public, through the gesture of raising the hand of the fighter. The documentation will be submitted to the president arbitration for verification.
. For a bout, the referee will collect the ballots from the judges after each assault, to inspect the President shall, in addition to raising the winner's hand after the result is announced.
. If necessary stop the fight or punish a fighter, go directly to the committee chairman after making the announcement.
. In the case of an accident to the referee which prevents him from continuing, the senior judge will act on their behalf.
. He is forbidden to comment or speculate on any battle unless you receive prior approval from the committee chairman.
. All referees are subject to an annual medical inspection and certification by the Medical Council and must be physically fit at the start of any battle


C. The duties of the referee
1. To stop the fighting immediately if you think a fighter is more skilled or stronger than the other.
. To immediately stop the fight when a fighter is in trouble or injured.
. To immediately stop the fight when considers that one or both fighters trying to pretend to be better.
. To stop fighting or to warn the fighter for a foul or violation of the rules.
. Immediately disqualify a fighter who breaks the rules, injures or shows any aggression to the referee.
. To disqualify the wrestlers and their coaches if they deliberately violate the rules or not follow his instructions.
. To disqualify any fighter who intentionally causes a fault.
. To stop the match if a fighter feels that after receiving an account, it is unable to effectively continue the match.
. To disallow any advantage to a fighter who intentionally commits misconduct.

D. Article on summonses
Before giving a notice of violation of the rule, the referee shall stop the fight, it is important to the proper use of warning signal to ensure understanding of the fighter and then the referee should tell the judges that the wrestler committed the offense. Any wrestler who is warned 3 times or more, may be disqualified. In the case of a serious violation, the arbitrator's decision is final.

E. The purpose of a warning
The purpose of this warning is to advise or warn any competitor not to break the rules during the fight.

Earl F. Procedure for a fighter who drops out of the ring
. If a fighter falls through the ring ropes, the referee ordered his opponent to stand in the other corner, and if the fighter remains outside the ring, the referee shall start counting. (A count to 10).
. If a wrestler is outside the ring, the referee counts to 20 (20 seconds) in the following cases:
. When a fall in output occurs, the referee shall begin, however, if the fighter returns to the ring before the final tally will not be penalized.
. If a wrestler is outside the ring and anyone impeding their return to it, the referee shall warn such person or stop the bout if he continues his action.
. If both wrestlers are outside the ring, the referee will start the account. If a fighter tries to prevent his opponent back into the ring before the final account will be warned or disqualified.
. If both wrestlers are outside the ring, the referee will start the account, returning to the track before the final bill will be considered the winner. If they can not walk up or one of two wrestlers, the result is considered a draw.

Muay Thai Rules 12: The Judges
A. Responsibilities
. Judges are independent and free to score under the rules and practice.
. Each judge shall sit on a different side and should be separated from the audience.
. The judges remain neutral during the match, except when one notices the violation of a rule, the referee must notify only. This should be done during the interval of the assault.
. After each assault, judges must complete the score sheet for that assault.
. Judges are not allowed to leave his seat until the fighting ends and the result has been announced.

B. Uniform
Judges must wear the uniform, as specified by the WTBF

Muay Thai Rules 13: Final decision of the authorities
The bout committee president may authorize a correction to the final result as follows:
. If the arbitrator makes a decision significantly contrary to the rules and practice.
. If it is discovered that the judges have made a punctuation error.

Muay Thai Rules 14: Duties of the President
. To name the referee and judges for each contest and promotion.
. To control and improve the level of the referee and judges and ensuring conformity with the rules and standard practice.
. To verify that the referee and judges perform their duty and responsibilities and to advise the MTBF if any irregularity takes place.
. To solve any problem concerning the promotion, reporting results to the Council or committee.
. Making the decision of the arbitrators and judges.
. To verify the score sheet to ensure that:
. The result is correctly registered.
. The name of the combatants are correct.
. The winner has been properly appointed.
. To authenticate the record and inspect documentation.
. To announce the result of the fighting to the media.
. To take any decision in the case of the referee or judges can not continue.
. Report to the Committee of the Council on behalf of any fighter who violates the rules or shows poor performance



Muay Thai Rules 15: Time and conservative broadcaster
A. The seats of the timekeeper and announcer will be located next to the ring.
B. Roles and Responsibilities
The timekeeper will announce the exact time of each assault and breaks, following the instructions of the referee to start or stop the fight. The following procedures are to be used:
. The beginning of each assault should be noted five seconds earlier, so that coaches leave the ring.
. A bell is used to indicate the beginning and end of each assault.
. Ensure that all times are correct using a stopwatch.
. In the event that a fighter received the account during raids 1-4 and ending time of the assault (3 minutes), the bell should be placed immediately after the referee finishes the count and orders the fighters to continue . . In the final assault, the bell should ring immediately when just three minutes, even if the referee is counting.

C. The duty of the speaker.
. To announce the bout, the names of competitors, the corners and the weight before the match begins and again when the wrestlers get in the ring.
. For the coach leaves the ring before the bell rings.
. To announce the beginning and end of each round.
. To announce the winner and the corner which he belongs, when the referee raises the hand of the fighter.

Muay Thai Rules 16: The Decision
The decisions must conform to the following rules and regulations:
. A knockout (KO) is awarded when the opponent is knocked down and can not go within 10 seconds.
. A technical knockout (TKO) is awarded:
. When a fighter is seriously injured or weakened.
. When a fighter can not continue fighting after the break.
. On the recommendation of the doctor, when the referee is not sure if a fighter can continue the bout due to injury or severely weakened.
. Both fighters were seriously injured and can no longer fight; If made less than three rounds: a draw is declared; If there have been three rounds, individual score decides.
. Receiving an account twice in the same round and unable to continue the game.
. Winning the opponent due to the provocation of an injury.
. Winning the opponent due to violation of the rules.
. Winning on points.
. 6. "No contest" as a result of the ring is damaged and can not continue fighting, or if an external event occurs during the fight, causing it stopped.
. 7. Equal score.
. When the results of both fighters are equal.
. When the two fighters will receive a score of 10.

Muay Thai Rules 17: Practice score
The qualifying standard practice is:

A: The shock, either by a punch, kick, knee or elbow.
. Guest shots:
. The points will be awarded for a correct Thai Boxing style, combined with hard and accurate shots.
. The points will be awarded for the skill and mastery over the art of Muay Thai.
. The points will be awarded to the wrestler who has dominated actively combat.
. The points will be awarded for the use of a traditional Thai style of defense and counterattack.
. Points are deducted from the behavior of the fighter, making mistakes and breaking the rules.
. No scoring blows:
. A blow that is against the rules.
. A blow against the joints of the leg of an opponent.
. 3. When an opponent is turned back completely.
B. Fouls.
. Judges deduct points for any contravention of the provisions by the arbitrator.
. Any violation observed by the judges, but not by the arbitrator, shall be punished accordingly.

C. Scoring Method
. The maximum score for each round is 10 points, the loser will score 9, 8 or 7.
. An assault will be matched with 10 points scored for both wrestlers.
. The winner and loser in an indecisive assault, you get 10:9 respectively.
. The winner and loser in a decisive assault will get a score of 10:9.
. The winner and loser in an indecisive assault with a single account, you get 10:8 respectively.
. The winner and loser in a decisive assault with a single account, you get 10:8 respectively.
. The wrestler with two counts of protection have a score of 7:10, with 3 counts will be disqualified.
. Any fighter who commits fouls will be docked points.

. Muay Thai Rules 18: Fouls and strokes violating the rules
. Biting, spitting, hitting behind the head.
. The movements of judo and wrestling.
. Deliberately falling on his opponent.
. The celebration on the ropes, for any reason.
. The use of abusive language during the match.
. Beating or injuring his opponent after the referee has ordered a halt to the fight for any reason.
0. Deliberately striking the groin area.
Shall be punished with the loss of 1 point, each time they perform the actions listed above.
A wrestler who has been beaten in the groin, may request up to 5 minutes of rest before continuing the fight.


Muay Thai Rules 19: Knock Down and account protection
. Definition
. When any body part touching the floor except the feet.
. Leaning against the ropes in a state of unconsciousness.
. I hit out of the ring.
. Inability to defend themselves.
. During a protection count, the referee will send the opponent to the opposite corner. If not, the referee shall stop the count, until it does then continue. The match will not continue until the referee decides.
. The second count interval of 1 to 10. During the account, how much the referee pointed the finger of the hand, to ensure that the fighter receives and understands the account.
. A wrestler who receive a bill, can not continue the fight before the count of 8 and loses immediately after receiving a score of 10.
. If both wrestlers fall, the referee will direct the account to the last that fell. If both wrestlers are given a score of 10, be declared a technical draw.
. If one wrestler then falls back, the referee will count.
. A competitor not ready to fight again after a pause when the bell rings, you receive a bill or will be disqualified and given as the loser of the battle.

Muay Thai Rules 20: Rating of Doctor
The doctor will be appointed and certified by the Council committee.

. Conduct a physical inspection of wrestlers before weighing.
. In attendance during the program until the final battle.
. Perform a physical check of the fighters after each battle, and specify the rest period.

Muay Thai Rules 21: Medical Inspection
. All competitors will be reviewed and certified by the doctor before the start of any fight and not be suffering from any disease or any physical injury, as specified in the medical manual of the Council.
. Any fighter who fights in a foreign country will be physically examined by a doctor appointed by the Council Committee. They also must meet medical standards of that country.

Muay Thai Rules 22: Procedure after a knockout or technical knockout
. If a fighter falls unconscious or injured, only the doctor and the referee are allowed to enter the ring. Others can only come when decided by the central court.
0. A wrestler who loses the battle for a KO or TKO will be immediately treated and undergo a physical exam by the doctor.
. Recovery Period - After a fight, a fighter is forced to rest at least 21 days before the next match, with the following exceptions:
. A wrestler who wins the battle in the first assault requires a minimum of 7 days rest before his next fight.
. A wrestler who wins the battle in the third assault requires a minimum of 14 days rest before his next fight.
0. A wrestler who loses by TKO or KO must rest for at least 30 days before his next fight.
. Articles 23.3.1 - 23.3.3 specifies that the wrestler must be examined by the doctor at the end of each fight, to decide their rest period.

Muay Thai Rules 23: Drug Use
. The use of drugs or stimulants, either before or after the fight is strictly prohibited. Any competitor or coach who use them will be disqualified.
. In the case of bleeding all drugs used should be administered under a doctor's instructions.

Muay Thai Rules 24: Interpretation
The President or the referee will have the final decision on the interpretation or any matter not covered by these rules and regulations.


The basic rules of Muay Thai: the official combat is no more than 5 rounds, each assault of 3 minutes, 1.30 minutes of rest in between. Additional rounds are not allowed.
In amateur will be 4 rounds of 2 minutes with 1 minute rest.
The categories of WTBF, Class (A) professional will fight for 5 rounds of 3 minutes each class (B) neoprofesional be fought 4 rounds of 2 minutes, Class (C) 3 rounds of 2 minutes.
The fighters wear gloves from 8 to 10 oz. Gloves should not be squeezed, kneaded or crushed to change its original shape.
The amateur competitors must wear protective elbow and trunk (red or blue according to their corners) appropriately adjusted to their bodies. They should also genital protectors to protect your groin, and finally, rubber mouthpiece.
The wrestlers should not wear shirts or shoes, but ankle is allowed.
A sacred cord known as Mongkol be placed on the head of the wrestler during the pre-fight (ritual homage to ancestral teachers of Muay Thai) to be removed before the beginning of the struggle.
The Prajeat is personal and is not required in combat.
It is prohibited any type of metal ornaments such as rings, earrings, etc.. This will damage the opponent.


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